(Google Scholar)


Adaptive Illumination based Depth Sensing using Deep Superpixel and Soft Sampling Approximation
Qiqin Dai, Fengqiang Li, Oliver Cossairt, Aggelos K Katsaggelos
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 8 (2022): 224-235.

Adaptive Image Sampling using Deep Learning and its Application on X-Ray Fluorescence Image Reconstruction
Qiqin Dai ; Henry Chopp ; Emeline Pouyet ; Oliver Cossairt ; Marc Walton ; Aggelos Katsaggelos
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22, no. 10 (2019): 2564-2578.

Spatial-Spectral Representation for X-Ray Fluorescence Image Super-Resolution
Dai, Qiqin, Emeline Pouyet, Oliver Cossairt, Marc Walton, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 3, no. 3 (2017): 432-444.
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Sparse representation-based multiple frame video super-resolution
Dai, Qiqin, Seunghwan Yoo, Armin Kappeler, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26, no. 2 (2017): 765-781.

Video super-resolution with convolutional neural networks
Kappeler, Armin, Seunghwan Yoo, Qiqin Dai, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2, no. 2 (2016): 109-122.


Dictionary-based phase retrieval for space-time super resolution using lens-free on-chip holographic video
Wang, Zihao, Qiqin Dai, Donghun Ryu, Kuan He, Roarke Horstmeyer, Aggelos Katsaggelos, and Oliver S. Cossairt.
In Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, pp. CTu2B-3. Optical Society of America, 2017.

Super-resolution of compressed videos using convolutional neural networks
Kappeler, Armin, Seunghwan Yoo, Qiqin Dai, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos.
In Image Processing (ICIP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1150-1154. IEEE, 2016.

X-ray fluorescence image super-resolution using dictionary learning
Dai, Qiqin, Emeline Pouyet, Oliver Cossairt, Marc Walton, Francesca Casadio, and Aggelos Katsaggelos.
In Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP), 2016 IEEE 12th, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2016.

Dictionary-based multiple frame video super-resolution
Dai, Qiqin, Seunghwan Yoo, Armin Kappeler, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos.
In Image Processing (ICIP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 83-87. IEEE, 2015.

Directionally adaptive cubic-spline interpolation using optimized interpolation kernel and edge orientation for mobile digital zoom system
Dai, Qiqin, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Soohwan Yu, Wonseok Kang, Jaehwan Jeon, and Joonki Paik.
In Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2014), The 18th IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 1-2. IEEE, 2014.

An Optimization Based Vision Calibration Method for PTZ Camera's Errors in Model and Execution
Dai, Qiqin, Rong Xiong, and Shen Li.
Procedia Engineering 15 (2011): 585-593.


Temperature-Compensated LED-Backlit Liquid Crystal Displays
Dai, Qiqin, and Jon S. McElvain.
U.S. Patent 10,607,551, issued March 31, 2020.

Computational-complexity adaptive method and system for transferring low dynamic range image to high dynamic range image
Dai, Qiqin, Xiaobo Ren, and Haohong Wang.
U.S. Patent 9,697,592, issued July 4, 2017.